Apply for a certificate of registration

Hairdressers, barbers, funeral directors and camping grounds need a certificate of registration to open or operate. Your premises must be inspected before a certificate of registration can be granted. 

If you require any assistance with your application or have any questions, please contact us by email at or call 03 941 8727.

Business information

Licensee details

Registered company name or full names - not initials.

Terms and conditions

I understand that: 
  • My premises must be inspected before a certificate of registration can be granted, and I cannot open or operate without a current certificate of registration. 

  • The certificate of registration is issued to the premises complying with all other relevant legislation and is issued to the occupier named on the certificate. 

  • Under the Privacy Act 1993, the register of premises is a public document and the information contained in the register may be made available to parties within and outside of the Council.

  • Once my application has been received and processed I will be sent an invoice for payment. An inspection will be arranged once I have made payment.