Private lane/gated communities extension of waste collection application form

This application is for residential kerbside collection only. This service is not available for commercial properties.

Contact details

Lane details

Requirement: The contractor’s small vehicles, used for collecting from difficult access streets must be able to safely manoeuvre within the lane, without driving over footpaths and berms or being restricted by trees, shrubs, gradient, width, parked cars, etc.

Requirement: A minimum of five dwellings within the lane.

Requirement: A majority of property owners, or the Body Corporate, must support the application for it to be successful. Please include names and addresses of all supporting property owners in the section below.
Note: If a single property owner/manager applies to stop the service we will check to ensure that 51 per cent or more property owners want the service to continue.
Supporting property owners/managers details
Names and addresses must be provided for all supporting property owners/managers.

Acceptance of Conditions of Service
The listed property owners/managers agree that:
  • If the collection contractor is unable to drive down the lane due to obstructions, or if collection is restricted (by trees, shrubs, gradient, width, parked cars, etc); the contractor will leave the bins un-collected and apply stickers to the bins explaining why they were not collected.
  • If the contactor is unable to collect on more than two consecutive occasions due to obstructions then the service may be cancelled.
  • The property owners/managers indemnify Council against claims for damage to the lane surface, foundation, services or any other thing within the lane boundaries caused or accelerated by the action of the collection truck in traversing the lane to collect the bins.
  • Accidental damage to fences, letter boxes or other items on individual properties, which can be  verified as being caused by the contractor will be subject to normal claims procedures through the contractors Public Liability Insurance.
  • The Council will not be liable for any unlawful activity that may occur as a consequence of providing the requested service.
  • If any health and safety matter is reported and no action is taken to eliminate the hazard, the contactor has the right to cancel the service.