Application form

Conditions of service
  1. We accept full responsibility for the safe keeping of the recycling bins provided under the programme, which will remain the property of the contractor. Should we withdraw from the programme, all recycling bins delivered to the school for the purposes of the programme shall be returned to the contractor.
  2. Should any recycling equipment be provided under the programme be damaged (accidental damage, fire or vandalism), we undertake to cover the costs associated with their repair and/or replacement.
  3. We undertake to abide by the general terms of the kerbside recycling service, in that only clean acceptable material will be placed out for collection.
  4. We undertake to place the wheelie bins at the kerbside for the collection contractor.
  5. We accept that the Council reserves the right to refuse any applications or terminate existing service at any time.
  6. The Principal agrees to encourage all teachers, other staff and students to participate in the school’s recycling programme, and will encourage sustainable waste management policies and practices in the school’s operational and curricular activities.
  7. The assisted kerbside recycling programme for schools is a Council provided service, where the key objective is to encourage student participation and increase understanding of recycling.