Application for Registration of Food Business

  • You must not sell food until you have your Notice of Registration.
Application and registration


Site address

For movable businesses, market stalls and food trucks - list your home address.

Do not include private vehicles

Scope of operations

You must attach a Scope of Operations for Business document with your application.

To obtain your Scope of Operations for Business document:

  1. Download the Scope of Operations for Business document that matches your type of registration. 
  2. Complete the document. 
  3. Attach the completed document below.


Within 6 weeks of receiving your Registration Notice you need to arrange a verification visit from your verifier. There is an additional charge for this visit.

For all National Programme applications, please provide a letter of confirmation from your verification agency. The Council does not register Custom Food Control Plans.

Within 6 weeks of receiving your Registration Notice a verification visit will be arranged by a Council Food Safety officer.

There is an additional charge for this visit. 
Collection of information

Collection of personal information
The Council is subject to the Privacy Act 2020. The collection, use and disclosure of any personal information will be in accordance with the Act and the Council’s Privacy Statement.    

Pursuant to Principle 3 of the Privacy Act 2020, we advise that:
  • This information is being collected for the purpose of registering under the Food Act 2014.
  • The recipient of this information, which is the agency that will collect and hold the information, is Christchurch City Council, PO Box 73013, Christchurch 8154.
  • Some of the information collected will be displayed on a public register. 
  • The collection of information is authorised under section 53 or section 83 of the Food Act 2014, which ever applies. The provision of this information is necessary in order to process an application for registration under either section 53 or section 83.
  • Failure to provide the requested information is likely to result in a return of this application form to the applicant, and may ultimately result in a refusal to register, in accordance with section 54 and 57 or section 84 and 87, of the Food Act 2014, which ever applies.
  • Under Principles 6 and 7 of the Privacy Act 2020, you have the right of access to, and correction of, any personal information that you have provided. 

Collection of official information

  • All information provided to the Christchurch City Council is official information and may be subject to a request made under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
  • If a request is made under that Act for information you have provided in this application, the Christchurch City Council must consider any such request in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987 and any other applicable legislation.

Home-based businesses
Home-based business are treated like all other businesses and must comply with the city planning rules.

Before you apply for a notice of registration you need to contact our duty planner on 03 9418999 or
  • I am authorised to make this application as the person with legal authority for the specified business.
  • The information supplied in this application is truthful and accurate to the best of my knowledge.
  • The operator of every food business covered by this application is a New Zealand resident within the meaning of section YD 1 or YD 2 of the Income Tax Act.