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Page 1 - Production and contact details

Apply for a film permit

If your activity does not fit the criteria for filming without a permit, please complete this application for approval to film in areas such as footpaths, roads, parks and outdoor public spaces.

Production contact

Contact details

Production company

Page 2 - Filming information

Filming location and dates

Page 3 - Equipment and setup

Filming equipment and setup

A building exemption is required for a marquee over 100 square meters, and a building consent may be required for other temporary structures.

Drones and remotely piloted aircraft

Please visit drones and remotely piloted aircraft to check whether you need permission, the rules, guidelines, maps of permission-required areas, and consent application form.
Vehicles and traffic

Page 4 - Insurance and invoice information

Public liability insurance

Proof of your public liability insurance is required.

Invoice details
Depending on the impact of your filming, you may be charged and will be sent an invoice related to your application. 

Page 7 - Terms of use and suporting information

Please upload supporting documentation for your filming application.

Health and Safety Plan

  • Film crews are required to comply with the Health & Safety at Work Act 2015. 
  • Under this legislation, you must ensure so far as reasonably practical that people are not exposed to risks arising from the operation and any place where employees and self-employed persons work is safe. 
  • Proactive attention by the film crew may be achieved by a process of identification, assessment and control of safety risks. In some circumstances, there may be several parties who owe a concurrent duty of care. 
  • It is important that safety is comprehensively managed and communicated by and between all relevant duty holders. 
  • Upon application, your health and safety plan will be submitted to the Health and Safety Advisor to process. The Health and Safety Advisor will notify you or any further requirements for your production. 

Privacy Act 1993

  • The information collected will be used to ensure the effective processing of your application.
  • It may, therefore, be distributed to other Christchurch City Council departments, external agencies and for public notification as required. 

Regulatory Licences

  • The organiser is responsible for obtaining all appropriate licences before approval for your production can be given. 
  • The organiser is responsible for obtaining all appropriate licences for production elements such as marquees, stages, scaffolding, temporary structures, dangerous goods, food vendors, amusement devices, signage, fireworks and other activities before approval for your production can be given.


  • The organiser will incur costs such as facility fees and other Christchurch City Council charges. 
    The organiser will be responsible for the cost of barricades, signage, cones and other items that the production requires. 
  • The organiser may be asked to provide a bond that will be refundable on fulfilment of council requirements. 

Conditions of use

  • Organisers must comply with the conditions for the use of Christchurch City Council parks, streets, squares and facilities.  A set of conditions will be attached to your letter of approval.
    Any changes or additions to these conditions are at the discretion of Christchurch City Council.


By submitting this permit application I confirm all information is correct.  If any details relating to this permit application are altered after submitting I will advise the Christchurch City Council as soon as possible.