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Christchurch Creative Communities Scheme


After you submit your application, you will receive an email with a funding request number on it.  This may go to your spam/junk. 

The funding request number will begin 0006xxxx.If you do not receive an email with this number on it, your application has not been submitted. Please log back in and check your application for errors. 

After checking, if you have still not received an email with the funding request number on it, please contact the Funding Team on 03 941 5488.

Before you apply:

If you have any problems with the form, save it and contact us on 03 941 5488.

Applications close at noon on 23 August 2024 for projects commencing after 1 November 2024.  No late applications will be accepted.

Applicant details

Important: Remembered to complete the community organisation registration. 
Group/organisation/individual's legal name - Must be the same as nominated bank account




Main contact details for this project

Project details

(Maximum of two paragraphs)

Numerical only

Numerical only

Artform, activity and cultural tradition 

The cultural tradition of your project relates to the particular heritage that your project is part of. Cultural tradition does not relate to your group's ethnic affiliations or geographical origins. Please select the cultural tradition that best relates to your project and give additional information if needed. E.g. For example, a kapa haka performance would be categorised as Maori arts or a traditional Polish dancing workshop would be Cultural tradition: European, Detail: Polish.

Project budget

You must fill in the budget below. However, if you have a comprehensive budget, please attach it to the application also.

As you are GST registered you will need to provide budget figures that exclude GST. Successful applicants must submit a separate GST invoice.

As you are not GST registered you will need to provide budget figures that include GST.

Item Amount Further details

Item Total Cost Further details




(This must be less than or equal to the above Difference)

(Last three years only)
Supporting documents

You are required to submit your supporting documents at the same time of applying, please make sure you attach the following:

  • Verified bank account number.
  • Project budget.
  • Quotes - for services, goods and contracts.
  • Recent bank statement.
  • Other supporting documents.
If applicable to your project also attach:
  • Certificate of Incorporation.
  • Job description - if applying for salary or wages.
  • A copy of your most recent financial statements. Not required for individuals . This can be a copy of the audited accounts, an income and expenditure statement or a copy of the unaudited management accounts.

If you do not attach the above supporting documents before submitting the committee can only assess your application based on what we receive.  

Note: No individual file can exceed 5MB and all files together can not exceed 38MB. Files will not upload if you exceed these size limits.

If there are any issues uploading your documents please email attachments to: communitygrants@ccc.govt.nz


I/we understand that if this application is successful I/we cannot receive funds for the same project from Creative New Zealand's other funding programmes.

If this application is successful, I/we also agree to:

  • Complete the project as outlined in this application (or request permission in writing from the CCS Administrator for any significant change to the project).
  • Complete the project within a year of the funding being approved.
  • Complete and return a project report form within two months after the project is completed
  • Return any unspent funds.
  • Keep receipts and a record of all expenditure for seven years.
  • Participate in any funding audit of my organisation or project conducted by the local council.
  • Contact the CCS administrator to let them know of any public event or presentation that is funded by the scheme.
  • Acknowledge CCS funding at event openings, presentations or performances.
  • Use the CCS logo in publicity (e.g. posters, flyers, e-newsletters) for the project and follow the guidelines for use of the logo. (Download logo and guidelines).

I understand that:
  • The Christchurch City Council is bound by the Local Government Official Information and Meetings Act 1987.
  • I/we consent to it recording the personal contact details provided in this application, retaining and using these details, and disclosing them to Creative New Zealand for the purpose of evaluating the Creative Communities Scheme.
  • My/Our name and brief details about the project may be released to the media or appear in publicity material.
  • I/we have obtained the consent of all involved to provide these details and I/we have the right to have access to this information.
  • This consent is given in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993.